Sunday, 12 May 2013

New Beginnings

I felt inspired to write again...I thought that I have chosen my career and it definitely wasn't journalism or for that matter, anything to do with writing. But couple of weeks ago I had to choose whether to do a Dissertation or Final Major Project (writing a number of features for your or a chosen publication) for my final year of university. It proved to be a very tough decision for me, because I didn't believe in myself as a writer, therefore I chose the Dissertation. A week later, after the FMP lecture I became confused again, so I went out & bought lots of magazines thinking maybe something will spark up & I'll decide. Believe it or not it worked and I chose...I released I love being creative, I ADORE magazines & fashion & I always have millions of ideas in my head, to somehow be creative and think "Oh I want to write about this" or "This would be a great idea for a feature or a blog post". So yes I did choose Final Major Project and that inspired me to write again. I really have forgotten how much I love it. Hence I decided to recreate my blog. I am planning to write about fashion, lifestyle, and a little bit about what's going on in my life, also cute outfits of the day. 

Hope you'll enjoy it :) K x

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